“The 500 year house”
The house is finished
Our building material and style is quite unique and is called a “compound” or while we were building and kept adding steel “the 500 year house”. It was a wild ride and for full details along the way see our posts on our FB page. We were also interviewed on Homesteadin’ Hawaii about the building process.
House Plans
We wanted to build as sustainable and kind to the aina (land) as possible. We are off grid with a small house, two ohanas and a garage.
Exterior build of SIPS
Never heard of Structurally Engineered Panels? Neither had we before we started researching. We needed something insulated, termite proof, hurricane proof, earthquake proof and good for the environment. We are doing a mix of SIPS from Innova for the walls (see Abby in pic) and Isocindu SIPS for the roof panels. The roof panels already have metal on both sides so once they are installed, there is nothing more to do.
Aerobic waste system
We did a lot of research and while a septic is normal we wanted to as kind to the land as possible. We found a Nayadic system that is an entire treatment process within a single tank. Wastewater flows into the tank. A compressor blows air to a diffuser that disperses the air. This process transfers oxygen throughout the system. The oxygen, which is dissolved in the water, provides an environment conducive to the growth of aerobic bacteria. These bacteria effectively consume the organic materials. Removal rates ranged from 95 to 98 percent, meaning the output is 98% water. It does require a small leach field for the 2-5%. This picture is them installing ours.
Ferrocement Water Tank
For our area and family size a tank of 10K gallons is recommend. We did research and the norm is doing a metal tank which requires a lot of maintenance. Ferrocement was recommended for minimal maintenance and it can be buried or covered with plants and is good in earthquakes.
Off grid solar
The garage was built specifically for the panels in the size and way it is facing. We are installing a system with:
(2) Sol-Ark 12kW inverters
(49) 365W black solar modules, Iron Ridge mount system for 49 panels*.
(2) Blue Ion HI 16kWh Lithium Iron Phospate battery bank:
(16) IJ1001M 2.1kWh Energy storage modules
(2) IJ1001M Battery Management Unit